Croaker Cave


After fighting some frogs, and for some reason rolling around in bat guano, the party met with Hulil Lutan, a female dwarf.  She revealed:

  • Hulil believes she has a disease called frigid woe. Though she doesn’t know any more about the disease than its symptoms, she’s heard rumors that explorers in Eiselcross sometimes succumb to it.

  • Hulil has guessed that her affliction was caused by one of the blue vials Tulgi stole from Pelc’s Curiosities, originally sold by Urgon Wenth. The vial was cracked, revealing that its lovely color was the result of a dark blue dust clinging to the interior.

  • She is desperate to get to Shadycreek Run before the malady runs its course, hoping that she can trade the goods stolen by Tulgi for a cure.

  • She a blue vial to Irven Liel, a human merchant staying at the Jolly Dwarf inn in Palebank Village while traveling with his family to Uthodurn.

Hulil insisted that the party take her to Shady Creek Run. The party promised to return if they found a cure.

At the Jolly Dwarf

At the Jolly Dwarf, you met Irven Liel and his husband Fenton Tethwick and their two tiefling children Honor and Magic.

Unfortunately, they all had touched the cracked blue vial and have the Frigid Woe.

A Way Forwarrd

After meeting with Elro Aldautaur, it was decided that the party would travel to Eiselcross and travel to the site where Urgon Wenth initially found the blue vials.

  • Elro has arranged passage to Eiselcross for the characters on the Remorhaz

  • The characters will be taken to Syrinlya, an Uthodurnian outpost on Foren, Eiselcross’s largest island. Once there, they should talk to a dwarf named Orvo Mustave, who has gone on numerous expeditions into the wilds of Eiselcross with Urgon Wenth.


A Boom in the Night


Fiendish Variations