Death to Anna Louise

Team F.A.I.L. made it the Wandering Emporium following directions from Red Ruth.

Inside the emporium they found:

  • The Infernal Rapture menu where they enjoyed a fantastic (and fantastical) meal that actually tasted good and conveyed all the benefits of a heroes’ feast.  The beer that was served was the equivalent of Dhukas’ Infernal IPA.Dhukas asked who brewed it and the proprietor said that if he wanted to find him he should find the shattered chains as that is there that infernal shavings could be found which is one of the key ingredients. 

  • A lawyer and a barbershop which both were not investigated.

  • A deformed mage that sold flasks of demon ichor.

  • Some salamanders selling basic supplies.

  • A devil called Z’neth who sold larvae which stored recent souls to hell.  He tried to get Team F.A.I.L. to kill the Mahadi, the owner of the Wandering Emporium.  They refused.

  • The told Mahadi about the plot and Mahadi just laughed and claimed that Z’neth was playing a trick on them as he revealed his true self: A very powerful and large devil.

Mahadi’s Deals

Mahadi offered the following deals to anyone who wanted to offer their souls

  • Magic Item. A rod of lordly might, to which only the recipient and its direct descendants can attune.

  • Resurrection. Asmodeus sends one of his loyal priest followers to cast true resurrection on a deceased character.

  • Tiefling Transformation. Asmodeus transforms the character into a tiefling with a direct infernal bloodline to him. 

Although some were tempted, no one took up an offer

Death to Anna Louise

Anna Louise spotted the devil who had kidnapped her parents and approached the devil who merely laughed at her and mocked her parents who he claimed were being tortured.  He went onto say that they were captives of Zariel herself and were currently being tortured in Zariel’s Flying Fortress.

Team F.A.I.L. ambushed the devil outside.  The start of the battle did not start well with the devil blinking in and out of invisibility and specifically targeting Anna Louise each time with his infernal crossbow.  Anna went blind from one shot and came close to death several times.

Thanks to a great driving maneuver from Dhukas which sent up a cloud of dust and revealed the invisible devil. The devil subsequently rolled a natural 1 and a wrecking ball to the face followed by Khan finishing off with the infernal lance mounted to the Devil’ Ride.

Back to Red Ruth

Team F.AI.L. then began its journey back to Red Ruth having acquired her a bath at the wandering emporium which she sorely craved and needed!


Meet the Vanthampurs


A Boom in the Night