Aotearoa - Rime of the Frostmaiden - Episode 8 - The Problem with Duergar

Shajyre and Bugz elected to spend time studying the Chardalyn fragments gathered from the cultists in Caer Dineval and allow Trovus the speaker of Caer Konig to sober up.

Hot on the trail of the various items stolen from the town Skar, Tarvin, Cal and Malumak followed the footprints left behind by the “invisible” thieves. This leads the group up the flanks of Calvin’s Cairn to an outpost carved into the mountainside.

Malumak called upon arcane powers to allow the group to pass undetected. Hugging the walls, the party was able to approach the Portcullis and draw bridge protecting the entrance.

Seeing no way of traversing these formidable defenses, an alternate path is sort. Following a water course, they discovered a well leading up into the courtyard. Lifting Cal up the well-shaft, a climbing rope was secured.

The situation called for the utmost stealth as not to alert the outposts occupants. True to form Cal promptly slipped and loudly disturbed two caged Goats and a zombified Ogre. Springing into action he attempted to keep the Ogre trapped in its cage only to become grappled.

Tarvin and Skar quickly ascended into the courtyard. The element of surprise well and truly lost Duergar defenders began to rush to the scene. Skarr invoked the Morninglord’s blessing and stuck fear into the undead ogre while Tarvin attempted to free Cal, Mission accomplished at the cost of becoming grappled himself. With the clattering of boots getting closer there was no alternative but to slay the ogre. Fumbling with his short swords Tarvin was unable to free himself form the ogre’s grip and despite several axe slashes the ogre would not let go. A holy smite from Skar finally allowed Tarvin to wriggle free.

Just in time for giant Dawrvish duergar to magically appear and swing battle picks knocking Tarvin prone. One made the mistake of attempting to throw Cal from the drawbridge. The golden rule is don’t toss a dwarf. A Parry, riposte and devastating critical strike permanently discouraged that duergar from any further attempts at tossing Cal and also from ever breathing again. Malumak was able to provide some much-needed healing and a supporting barrage of magical stones. Dispatching two more Duergar, Skar felt the momentum shifting in the parties’ favor. He rushed to the Northeast in pursuit of the outpost’s leader. However, triggering a switch he became trapped behind a portcullis and was knocked insensate by the remaining defenders. The leader grabbed Skar and with a knife poised to deliver the coup de grace threatened his demise unless he was allowed to depart. With a tense Amnian standoff the party threw down their ranged weapon and gave their word to guarantee the leaders safe passage. As soon as the leader was across the drawbridge and portcullis was lowered Tarvin setoff in pursuit quickly bringing down the last henchman with his ever-trusty bow. However, the leader had too much of a lead and disappeared into the wilderness. Tarvin it seems has significant trust issues with the fallen dwarfkind.

Searching the remaining areas, the group gained a small amount of coin and 3 dagger sized pieces of malleable magic absorbing Chardilin. Pieces that Shajyre will no doubt wish to research further. Additionally, a note was discovered that will require further investigation


You will find me on the frozen ferry in Easthaven. From this new base, the search for chardalyn continues. Long may our father reign over this dark land!


Further investigation found the Magical Lantern from the Northern light inn as well as the twenty-five pearls carved into decorative beads (5 gp each) which the group had promised to return to the Frozenfar Expeditions. Another sack contained three daggers, a set of woodcarver’s tools, a set of navigator’s tools, fishing tackle, and a Potion of healing hidden in a leather pouch along with 73 sp. Along with the goats it seems that the party has found all that was lost.


The Shattered Teeth - Episode 16 - Slime


Aotearoa - Rime of the Frostmaiden - Episode 7 - The Caers