Findle’s Mission

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  • On the way out of Asmodeus’s Temple, the party freed the unicorn and it is (for now anyway) a loyal companion.

  • The earthquakes and general instability of the island ceased once the portal was closed.

  • Once outside, Findle listened, felt and even tasted the island.  She now knew where the underground forest was

  • After a brief visit to the coast where the let Walter Duststone, the boat captain, know that they needed another couple of days on the island.  He agreed to 50gp a day, leaving the balance owing to 150gp

  • Findle found the underground forest easily without the influence of the portal to Hell.

  • Inside of the forest were four statues that needed activating.

  • She immediately rushed outside and place earth on the first statue activating it.

  • She also knew that they would need water melted from the snow on the highest peak in Katsel.  Plus fire from the deepest lava pits.

  • Near the highest peak, the party found an entrance down.  They worked as a team to tackle the various spelunking challenges.

  • They found a chest and via some questionable tactics, took a bunch of treasure and a wand of magic missiles.

  • They were attacked by some salamanders.  After a short combat, they surrendered.

  • Due to some quick thinking by Seenkay the player and informing Malcolm the DM, Taq was able to talk to the salamanders and explained that if they let them light a branch to get the fire, they would leave them in peace.

  • The salamanders agreed on the condition they left half the treasure, which the party did, and left the cavern.

  • The party then started the arduous trip up the mountain.

  • At the top was an air elemental.  Taq, once again, talked the elemental and it agreed to leave the party in peace, and they got the snow they required.

  • Back at the underground forest, the snow was melted and applied to the second statue, and the fire on the third.

  • Findle was confused about the last element and one of the party members suggested she breathed on the last statue, which she did.  And Findle got her breath back and was no longer struggling to get through sentences.

  • Findle felt the island coming to life and thanked the party for their help.  She said she would remain on the island to finish her work,

  • The party headed to the shore ready for the next leg of their adventure


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