Meaningful Gamers Make a Difference

Things are pretty grim in the world at the moment due to the pandemic. Things are especially bad in Uganda. The vaccine will take a long time to get there if it ever does.

Throw in some election violence and grinding poverty and it is easy to get depressed.

The little village of Buyaya on the slopes of Mt. Elgon is bucking the trend in Uganda. They have so far avoided COVID-19 due to very few people leaving the village and practising social distancing when they do.

Not only are they safe, but they are also thriving thanks in no small part to generous donors and gamers who raise money playing weekly games of Dungeons and Dragons.

A Christmas party was put on complete with food and presents to celebrate another successful year

A big hearty thank you to all those who have donated from Buyaya, and everyone at Meaningful Gaming and Meaningful Volunteer.


The Mighty MP6 - Episode 13 - The Nullifier


Dungeon of the Mad Mage - Episode 10 - Skullport