Aotearoa - Rime of the Frostmaiden - Episode 9 - Kelvin's Cairn

Attempting to diagnose the malady that the four humanoids in the duergar outpost are suffering from nearly resulted in further conflict. Quick thinking allowed the daring adventurers to contain the fungal affected individuals to the cells. After attempting healing incantations to no avail, the group left food and water for the entrapped funginoids and elected to see if they could track down the Druid “orsomething “ to see if it is within his powers to heal these poor souls. All remaining clues suggest he might be found further up Calvin’s Cairn.

Being fleet of foot, it was decided that Bugz should escort the Goats back to the North Light Inn and re-join the party at the earliest available juncture.

Carrying on further towards the peak the group saw two tents pitched in the snow near an icy outcropping that acts as a natural windbreaker. Between the tents is an overturned sled. Still harnessed to the sled are five howling dogs. Malumak and Shajrye set about settling the dogs by directly communicating and feeding them while the other set up a better configuration for the camp. Surprising himself Cal managed to discern tracks of at least four humanoids making their way up the mountain side albeit on the only feasible pathway of ascent. Could this be the four adventurers also seeking the druid?

A perilous climb begins. While relatively straightforward at first the groups pathway is first block by a group of mountain goats, but intervention from Malumak defuses any potential conflict. Communing with the goats he learned that four two-legs had recently passed the goats giving hope that the group is on the right track.

Continuing the climb Cal and Tarvin hear a disturbing rumble and wonder if it is their stomachs as it has been some time since they last ate. It is an avalanche moving down the mountain that engulfed the brave adventurers who had as a precaution tied themselves together in a conga line of climbers. The falling blizzard of snow swept Skar and Shajyre away completely burying the former and partially entombing the latter. After their initial confusion Tarvin, Cal and Malumak swing into action searching for their buried comrades. Skar struggles to free himself from his icy entombment and rapidly becomes fatigued. Cal and Tarvin dug desperately to free the trapped paladin. Skar has suffered severely from his ordeal and is left shivering and shocked, a shadow of his usual self.

Moving further up the mountain the group encounter an injured scout called Garret. Battered and bleeding Malumak provided restorative healing to the adventurer and in doing so learned that Garret is the leader of the other group of adventurers. He has attempted to distract foes further up the mountain who were attacking his compatriots. He gives his pledge to assist the group as they have promised to help rescue the other group.

All of a sudden two huge white crag cats leapt from above and ripped and clawed at Skar and Malumak. The already fatigued Skar struck out with his Sacred flame and Draconian breath only to have these magical attacks reflected back. Shajre and Malumak both transformed into beastly forms to fight of the huge mountain cats and by the narrowest margin brought down one of the animals. The other sensing it was out matched scurried up the cliff before Tarvin ‘s arrows stopped it in its tracks. Sensing that there might be some value in the pelts of these creatures Tarvin and Shajyre skinned the beasts proving there are at least two ways to skin a cat.

The party moved higher up the mountain and came to a very taxing section of the ascent. After several attempts to scrabble up the mountain the group finally succeeded, however leaving Shajyre exhausted.

Despite his exhaustion Skar, hears animal sounds from the cave

Up ahead on the left is a fifteen-foot-high, ten-foot-wide cave mouth. There’s blood on the snow some distance from the cave entrance. Tarvin tentatively investigated discovering skeletal remains possibly of the Goliath Mokingo Growling Bear. Hearing other distressed noises from the cave the party approaches closer. It seems the party has disturbed a mountain Yeti and with drained reserves the party may have to take on this formidable foe


The Neverlost Knuckleheads - Episode 42 - The Tomb Tapper Commeth


The Wild Beyond the Witchlight - Episode 9 - A Deal's a Deal