Aotearoa - Rime of the Frostmaiden - Episode 4 - Maul Chiselbone

Twitch, suffering after the devastating attack of the Cold Light Walker has set off for the safety of town to recuperate while the remainder of the party journey further along the Coast of Lac Dennishere in search of the Lost fishermen.

The group recovered a boat near an rocky cliff. Then enchanting music upon the winds caused Cal, Shajyre and Tarvin to walk trancelike towards the nearby caves and cliffs.

Reacting quickly the other party members attempted to physically restrain the trio. However, Shajyre slipped away and birdlike creatures swooped down attempting to carry her away into the air.

Bugz leapt up the cliffside in hot pursuit, while the others tried to rouse the Cal and Tarvin.

The Flying creatures did not get far with their prize as Shajyre transformed into a Bear creating an aerodynamic conundrum for the creatures, that resulted in the fabled “Drop bear” folk legend talked about on the great southern Continent.

Hearing disturbing howling and cackling in emanating from the cliffside caves the party investigated the cave entrances in hope of determining the fate of the local fishermen.

The party encountered a Dire-wolf in the dark recesses of the first cave they searched and the Druids used magical spells and potions to placate and feed the starving Direwolf. The cave contained picto-liths showing frost Giants being frozen in a pool.

The party was able to rest awhile but were disturbed by cackling and growling noises from elsewhere in the cliff. Setting out once more to explore along an ice river into the cliffside the party had to traverse a frozen waterfall. Tarvin slipped on the ascent and cracked the waterfall and was suddenly ambushed by a watery denizen. Wrigglingly free of its liquid embrace Tarvin and the party set about breaking the creature out of it watery lair by shattering the dam made by the frozen waterfall. Literally swinging into action Cal was able to surprise the beast with his size 4 boots and size 10 Battle-axe.

Shajyre again demonstrated that there is more than meets the eye than bookish researcher when she transformed into an Ice-spider and web-encased the writhing creature. This allowed some deft strokes from Skarr to finally reduce the beast to nothing more than a watery puddle. An explorers pack and a pick axe was recovered.

With Shajyre’s spidery form doing whatever a spider can, the party ventured deeper into the caves and the group passed a frozen giant with glowing blue eyes. Wary of this inert creature they moved onward to hear a beckoning voice promising sustenance. An old woman offering hot food from a cauldron and information about fishermen has everyone suspicious. Is this ‘Maud Chilsebone the Hag’ that the séance in the Whitelady Inn revealed?

Cal tried the meaty stew before the wolf transformed Malumak knocked the food from his hands. With the party Increasingly on edge climatically the woman undergoes her own transformation calling her frozen frosted friend to rise from its slumber. The scene is now set for a desperate fight.

Will the party be able to overcome the Hag and the Giant?

What lurks beyond vision that only Shajyre can perceive?

What is in the cauldron (beside Knuckleheaded trout)

Is the cauldron related to the fable cauldron of plenty?

What happened to the fishermen?

What happened to the other frost giants depicted in the cave carvings?

Will Malumak ever successfully hit anything with hit magic pebbles?


The Shattered Teeth - Episode 11 - Mirstone


The Wild Beyond the Witchlight - Episode 5 - Hither