Aotearoa - Rime of the Frostmaiden - Episode 11 - Sephek Kaltro

With Skar wounded and exhausted from the ascent of Calvin’s Cairn and the charring from the explosion on the Easthaven docks It was decided to return to Brynn Shandar to recuperate in the House of the Morninglord and see how Merekith is settling in. After arriving he party retired for the evening for a deserved rest.

Shajyre was woken in the night by an icy sword to the chest held by a blue-eyed stranger. He has heard that the party has been looking for him. It is Sephek Kaltro the suspected murderer in the service of Auriel. He is displeased that Easthaven has stopped sacrifices and the interference of the Party. Sephek then drove an ice sword into Shajyre’s chest and her desperation she cast Thunderwave knocking him across the room. Shaken from there sleep and unarmored the other members of the group spring into action.

Sephek taunts the group with seeming impunity and he magically transported himself out the window and dashed into the alleys. Shajyre transformed into a big bad belligerent black bear. While Malumak pursued him and magically ensnared Sephek halting his dash for freedom. Bounding from roof-to-roof Bugz closed the distance. Shajyre crashed out the window (no doubt Skar will have to fix this when he wakes). Tarvin tied the paralyzed miscreant up just before as Bugz dropped from above delivering scything blows. Sephek was dragged back to the House of the Morninglord.

After questioning him further and getting his confession to the murders of people who he alleged cheated the sacrifices in Targos, Bryn Shandar and Easthaven, though bound, his wounds begin to heal, and he again magically escaped using a spell called “misty step”. Shajyre transformed into a warhorse to run him down. Still tied up he ran and ran until Shajyre stomped and trampled him and Bugz skewered him with his trusty rapier. After burning the remains and keeping the head as evidence. The party finally retired for the evening.

The next morning the party reported successful subduing to Hlin Trollbane in the Northlook inn and receiving the bounty for Sephek’s demise. The party listens out for further rumors.

In Bremen, fishers are being terrorized by a monster that lives in Maer Dualdon. Strange that none of the other towns on that lake have been harangued by the monster.

In Termalaine, Speaker Masthew has closed one of the town’s lucrative gem mines. Apparently, a gang of kobolds crept into the mine and endangered some miners. Anyone who clears out the mine can expect to be well compensated.

After selling the pelts and armor recovered on the journey so far the party restocked and set forth for Targos.

Targos is one of the more sizeable towns with 1000 people, wooden palisade and its main industry is fishing Knucklehead trout.

It is also the home of Garret the scout the party rescued from Calvin’s Cairn, and he invited the party into home with Keegan his husband.

As reward for the parties’ efforts in saving him from the Yetis and Crag Cats he has Carved scrimshaw on walrus tusks with images of the adventurers Thank you most kindly.

The group is welcome to stay with him whenever in Targos. Visiting the Luksan Arms the group hears rumours that

Oyaminartok, might be found to the North in the black Cabin where conducting Maer Dualdon is strange experiments trying to end the winter. Also Nimsy in lonelywood is a potion maker who might be capable of helping Tarvin out with the Red Sladd infection.

The speaker of Targos approaches the group and expresses his displeasure of Garrett’s lifestyle. Furthermore, Speaker Naerth Maxildanar expresses he would be much obliged if the group will intercede on his behalf in Goodmead. The Speaker, Kendrick Rielsbarrow has died, and two candidates stand to fill the position.

Olivessa Untapoor and Shandar, Naerth wants Shandar to get the job. The party non-committaly says they will investigate it.

Visit to local general store called Triglio leads to some bargain hunting and excellent salesmanship from its proprietor. It cannot be established whether the town has had an increase in food supplies from questioning the storekeep. However, Bugz has contacted a local beggar who claims to have seen a cauldron being moved into the Town hall late in the evening. The Party has decided to investigate to see if this is the stolen Cauldron.


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