Aotearoa - Rime of the Frostmaiden - Episode 3 - The Coldlight Walker

After being Separated at the Kobold ambush, Tarvin re-joins the party at the Northlook tavern and it is decided to next travel to Easthaven to follow up leads in the ongoing investigation.

Skarr reaches out to local Sherriff Makram in the hope of getting some contacts in Easthaven. He learns that the party should speak to the Speaker Danneth Waylen and Captain Imdra Arlaggath of the local guards, for information on local events which include news of Wizard called Dzann who has killed a group of adventurers.

But First a trip to the Second-hand, but minus several fingers, Axebeak Salesman Mr Jaycee. After some skilful haggling the party secures the service of 6 Axebeaks (buy 5 get one free) and become the Noble steeds of the party for traversing the snowdrift covered byways of the Ten-Towns.

In-line with the sacred Druidic traditions each Axebeak is named:

  • Cal rides the aptly coloured “Stripe” (which he assumes will make it go faster)

  • Skarr’s unimaginatively named “Axey the Axebeak” don’t get off to a good start.

  • While Tarvin, Shajyre and Malumak bond well with “Fluffy, Tony, Shard” respectively

  • However, Twitch goes to the extreme, severing a finger to feed his Axebeak “Finger” on side and Bugz agrees to double with him for the journey.

The Journey along the Eastway is uneventful and the Party arrives just in time to witness the burning at the stake of the Wizard Dzann. Mysteriously he does not call out in pain as his body burns and grins enigmatically as the flames consume him. Captain Imdra revealed that Dzann had been captured in the Whitelady Inn, where he was posing as a Halfling before his illusion was discovered. He was accused of killing four Adventurers (Erin, Varris, Abedi and Grunt) by shooting each, without apparent motive with three magic bolts. Stranger still that he did not seem to resist his arrest. Careful examination of Dzann’s dwelling reveals little. The captain has little information on the whereabout of Torrga Icevein or the Death of the Halfling Trapper beyond that the circumstances were similar to those of Thoradin’s death in Bryn Shander.

The Local Speaker Danneth Waylen asked the party for assistance in locating 4 fishermen recently missing. The party agreed to seek them out. The speaker also suggested that the wintery hardship which has stopped the usual ferry service has strained relations between Easthaven and the two other lakeside towns of Caer-Konig and Caer-Dineval.

Bugz tried to find out information from local shady sources about the mythical Cauldron of Plenty but created more rumours than gained information. While at the Whitelady inn, a round of beverages goes down well (which is more than can be said for the Knucklehead Trout ala mode). The Party pickup on rumours of the disappearance of Caer-Dineval speaker Crannoc and odd characters showing up to the castle as well as Seemingly invisible Vandals doing damage at Caer-Konig where the speaker Trovus needs help.

At the Whitelady Inn the party encounter a Halfling Bard called Rinaldo who regales them with tales of the Inns Namesake. He fervently believes the spirit Inhabits the inn and half of the party engage in a séance. Shajyre, Bugz and Cal witness the frost covered windows produce messages from beyond and learn that there is a treasure somewhere on the lake floor and that the unfortunate Fishermen are no longer among the living. A name is revealed “Maud Chiselbone” Hag and that a Cave, cavern or cave might be a location of import.

Resolving the after a long rest to set out in search of the fishermen, the party made its way through the snowstorms until Shajyre perceived an ominous light. Investigating the Party fall into combat with a Coldlight Walker. The creatures’ blasts dazzling light blinding several of the party and striking down Twitch and Bugz with devastating blows. The persistent blows from those still standing and a divine mighty strike from Skarr finally vanquished the battered and bloodied party. The realisation that the undead Coldlight Walker is the reanimated corpse of Kray Saygor suggests to the party that evil abounds. Is it somehow connected to Dzann or the machinations of Auriel the frost maiden only time will tell?


The Neverlost Knuckleheads - Episode 39 - Deep in the Caves


The Neverlost Knuckleheads - Episode 38 - Thoradin's Last Stand