Vision Summary

In this vision, the character is standing before a cloaked nobleman (Lord Vanrak Moonstar) on a windy cliff overlooking the sea. The noble asks the character to join him on a dangerous quest into the Black Jungles. Putting a hand on the character’s shoulder, the man asks, “We are the best of friends, Glyster, are we not?” With that, the vision ends.

In this vision, the character is camped in a jungle with a handsome nobleman (Lord Vanrak Moonstar). The character hands the knight a polished coral ring as a token of their enduring friendship. Putting the ring on his hand, the nobleman smiles and says, “I will treasure this gift forever.” With that, the vision ends.

In this vision, the character confronts a man in a mithral chain shirt (Lord Vanrak Moonstar). The man’s eyes brim with madness as he levels a longsword with a radiant blade at the character and screams, “What have we to fear from darkness, you and I? Undermountain is where we belong. It calls to us — can’t you hear it?” Waving the sword in the air like a lunatic, he continues, “Together we shall see the Moonstar name elevated to glorious heights my father could never dream of! Waterdeep will shudder at the very sound of it!” With that, the vision ends.

In this vision, the character is standing next to a skeletal warrior with red pinpricks of light in his eye sockets (Lord Vanrak Moonstar). Slumped in a stone throne, he says, “Is this to be the legacy of Vanrak Moonstar? A shadow king damned to rule these moonless halls, fending off assassins, mad wizards, and ghosts of the ancient dead? Is this all that Shar has to offer? I have drunk my fill of darkness and loss, old friend.” With that, the vision ends.

In this vision, the character is in a great hall buttressed by six columns , looming above six blindfolded adventurers bound to the columns with rope. A hollow voice (that of Lord Vanrak Moonstar) issues a terrible command: “Umbraxakar, give these fools the death they deserve!” A cone of necrotic energy erupts from the character as the shadow dragon engulfs the nearest prisoner, a male dwarf stripped of gear, with its breath weapon. As the dwarf shrivels and dies, an undead shadow rises from his corpse, and the vision ends.

.In this vision, the character is engaged in hand-to-hand combat with a man wearing a mithral chain shirt (Lord Vanrak Moonstar). The brawl ends when the man is knocked to the floor, stumbles to his feet, draws the bronzed hilt of a sun blade that suddenly burns with radiance, and says, “Remember this? Your gift to me? Challenge me again, and I’ll carve out that big heart of yours and eat it!” The viewer’s perspective changes as the character transforms into a bronze dragon and says in Common, “Vanrak! I am your friend. Listen to me. She’s using the pain of your father’s death to lead you down the darkest of all paths. For the love of Selûne, do not follow her!” With that, the vision ends

In this vision, the character is in the presence of Vanrak Moonstar, a death knight wearing a mithral chain shirt and clutching a bladeless sword hilt. “This is not the fate either of us deserved,” he says mournfully. “In darkness, we have lost our way.” With that, he causes a blade of light to spring from the sword hilt and drives it down his own throat, reducing his skeletal form to dust. The blade is snuffed out, and all goes dark as the hilt clatters to the floor alongside the death knight’s mithral chain shirt. The vision ends with a dragon’s anguished roar.


Fine Fellows - Episode 36 - Vanrakdoom


The Wild Beyond the Witchlight - Episode 1 - The Carnival