What I need from you prior to First Session

Welcome to the game! I am looking forward to being your Dungeon Master

I’ll need some things prior to our first session

  • Create your PC in DND Beyond.
    Here is the link. Check out the house rules for creating a PC.

  • A backstory for your PC.
    I’ll do my best to interface your PC’s backstory into the game. It doesn’t have to be an essay. Even a couple of paragraphs would be enough.

    Ideally, this would be in a Google Doc so I can have access to it as well.

    This page has some handy hints for creating a backstory

  • Character art
    This will represent your character in game. You can just do a google image search for this. Hero Forge also has some good options for creating just the right look.

    This art work will be turned into a token for Roll 20. Feel free to create your own token, or I can do it for you. I usually use this site for creating tokens.



The Wild Beyond the Witchlight - Episode 20 - The Falling Witches


The Shattered Teeth - Episode 30 - Through the Caves