Aotearoa - Rime of the Frostmaiden - Episode 10 - Yeti Trouble

In the upper reaches of Calvin’s Cairn the party has rescued Garret, a scout leading a party of 3 other adventurers who were in search of the druid “oh-yaw-meh-NAR-tock”, Finding a cave with a bloodstained entrance Tarvin attempted a stealthy recce. Inside two pathways diverged one crossing an icy chasm and the other descending to a larger chamber wherein Tarvin found the remains of a Goliath Mokingo of the Growling Bear tribe. Cries for help were heard from further into the cave.

An unfortunate slip on the ice bridge by Tarvin gave away any hope of surprise and an enraged Yeti emerged. Its Icy gaze paralysed Malumak and a second Yeti returning to its lair shoved Skar down a steep cliff.

A less than dexterous throw from Cal using alchemists fire momentarily distracted one of the Yeti allowing Tarvin and Garret to score a few arrow strikes while Skar climbed back into the fray. A withering blow from one Yeti nearly took Cal out of the action if he had not at the last moment parried away the worst of the damage. Malumak finally overcame his icy paralysis and administered timely healing giving the other a chance in the fight. Skar called upon the Morninglord’s Blessing to give the others a fighting edge. A successful hit of alchemists fire kept one of the yeti distracted long enough for a few crucial hits to be landed to tip the conflict back in the adventurers favour. With one Yeti falling into the cave chasm and the other disarmed with a whomping strike from Cal. The Yeti threat was no more.

Cal vowed to return the Goliaths Great Battle-axe to the Growling Bear tribe in the Spine of the world Mountains to the East

Deeper into the cave a seriously injured Halfling Perilou Fishfinger has been tormented by a yeti tyke. Administering a coup de grace to the animal and Healing Perilou the party wonders if they should rest. However, Garret and Perilou immediately setoff to find the Tiefling Asterix, the last member of their ill-fated party. Though fatigued and wounded the group rallies and sets off into the highest pathways of the Cairn.

They arrive sadly too late and find the frozen body of the Tiefling and an unknown decapitated dwarf who wears distinctive blue boots. Skar spoke solemnly but uninspiringly of Asterix’s passing into the Morninglord’s care as the others buried the remains.

They found a potion of invisibility and a leather-bound spell book, which contains wizardly spells, an empty wineskin, a half-eaten block of goat’s cheese, and a miner’s pick.

Returning down the Mountain the group recuperated in the now vacant Yeti cave recovering and the Yeti skins before returning to the camp at the base of the mountain. Lamenting not finding the druid the group return to the Duergar outpost and put an end to the suffering of the fungal infected humanoids.

Returning to Caer Konig the party return the stolen pearls to the proprietor of Frozenfar expeditions and as the group made their way to the Northern Light Inn the town was overflown by a terrifying dragon. The more composed members of the party noticed it carried a rider. After rousing Trovus from an alcoholic stupor the party learns that the dragon is Arveiaturace (ar-vay-AH-chur-us) who according to Trovus should be avoided at all costs. The Innkeepers welcome the return of the lantern and Goats and offer to accommodate the group in thanks for their services.

The group hears rumours that in Termalaine, Speaker Masthew has closed one of the town’s lucrative gem mines. Apparently, a gang of kobolds crept into the mine and endangered some miners. Anyone who clears out the mine can expect to be well compensated.

Evaluating the next steps the group decide to return to Easthaven to investigate the Duergar threat at the ferry. Upon arriving at the town hall a rowdy crowd had gathered insisting on the sacrifice of the speaker as the Cauldroncopia has gone missing. Skar employed his town guard skills to disperse the worst miscreants and diffuse a potential riot (something about this time of year…) The cauldron has been stolen by some unknown human thieves and the party may once again have to track it down.

Surveillance of the ferry dock reveals nothing untoward so sans armour and under arcane stealth Malumak in cat form, Cal and Tarvin reconnoitre the ferry. Wherein they found two chests and bedding suggesting it had been recently lived in. Sadly the chest was booby trapped and a huge fireball left the group slightly charred. After rest and recovery the group must now decide where they should investigate next.


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