Slow Down
The Slow Down Card is yellow and an indicator to others that you are fine with current content of the game, but going further with the description or detail would make you uncomfortable or unsafe. Play this card as a heads up to your fellow players that you don't want them to get more descriptive about a specific topic. If someone else drops this card on the table, respect your fellow player, consider pulling back some of your description or discussion of your current content, and move on from the scene as quickly as possible without asking any questions of the other players.
Keep Going
The Keep Going Card is green and an indicator to others that you are currently enjoying the content that's occurring. You don't need to play this card every time you're having fun or at all. This card is meant to be played when your game gets into a topic that could make others feel unsafe. It is a way to check in with everyone and say, "I'm feeling good, let's keep going with this topic." If someone else drops this card on the table and no one else drops a Slow Down or Stop Card, you can keep going.