Dark Backstory

History of Harbourside Hospital

“Generations ago, an outbreak of extremely contagious dancing croup—a deadly plague that caused those afflicted to cough themselves to death even as their limbs thrashed uncontrollably—caused many Baldurians to rethink their approach to medicine. Requiring individual victims to seek out healing from their respective clergies accelerated the disease’s spread as the infected travelled to different houses of worship throughout the city, overwhelming the facilities at each. In the aftermath, the Lower City decided to consolidate. While patriars might still be able to afford house calls and personal priests and physicians, commoners funded the building of a single large facility where everyone could come for treatment. Eager to no longer have every worship service interrupted by contagious congregants, several of the city’s temples were only too happy to provide clerics to work in the facility. Of course, coin still determines one’s quality of care, the clerics rarely work for free, and those without sufficient funds generally end up in the ominously stained basement with the chirurgeons-in-training—but at least those in need know where they can go for help. Chronically understaffed, especially in those wards catering to poor Outer City residents, the hospital has constant security problems, from angry patients to spontaneously arising undead, unethical or experimental treatments by priests of non-good faiths, or excessive withdrawals from the stores of painkilling narcotics.

It perhaps says something about Baldur’s Gate that city officials decided to build the hospital right next to Cliffgate, convenient to the graveyard and as far as possible from the wealthy neighbourhoods.

Dr. Holk Thinster

Dr. Holk Thinster entered into the head physician's office.

"Have a seat Dr. Thinster," said Professor Milner.

"I'll stand," replied Dr. Thinster.  "If it is all the same to you, I know what you're going to say."

"Very well.  While we appreciate what you've done over the years at the Harbourside Hospital, your performance and your methods have not only failed to heal but have actively harmed people.  You need to leave."

With saying a word,  Dr. Holk Thinster turned and left.


The next morning, Professor Milner was found dead in an alley behind the hospital, with a curved slice across each of his wrists, blood drip on his head to create a macabre crown, and a diamond-shaped puncture wound to his heart. 


Dr. Holk Thinster returned to work the very next day as if nothing had happened.  People were too afraid to confront him, and the Flaming Fist were far too busy to investigate the crime. 

In truth, Dr. Thinster dead not kill the Professor.  He had made a deal with the Cult of the Dead Three, and they had done the rest.

Dr. Thinster became very erratic.  Sometimes he would help heal the patients,  and at other times he would torture, mutilate and then kill some poor soul.


This came to the attention of a Githzerai Cleric called Christopher, who occasionally worked at the hospital.  Christopher was horrified at what Dr. Thinster was doing. Christopher knew that the doctor had to die, but how?  The man always seemed to have hooded figures following him around where ever he went.

Christopher had made some contacts at the hospital.  Perhaps they could help?

There was Leoros, a paladin working for Flaming Fist, Krahn, a half orc known for his prowess in battle, and Milo Ruran, who was known for his silver tongue and his ability to open any lock.

Christopher explained what was happening, and the four of them hatched a plan.


Dr. Thinster was doing his usual rounds, flanked as always by three hooded figures.  As he entered a room at the end of a hallway, Milo emerged from the shadows and managed to convince the staff and patients to move away as there was a particularly infectious patient at the end of the hall.  Many of the clerics were skeptical but under Milo's gentle prodding they too left.

Leoros, dressed in full Flaming Fist regalia came marching down the hall.  "You three!" he bellowed at hooded figures. "Come with me. Professor Milner is not dead and we have some questions for you."

The three figures exchanged glances and then took off down the hallway.  Leoros did not try to stop them. They were out of the way and that was the main thing.

Krahn and Christopher approached the now very alone Dr. Milner.

"You will die for what you have done", said Krahn.

"We don't know what devil you made a deal with, but the Hells await you", added Christopher.

Dr. Thilner glared at them.  "Bane will have his revenge. He always does."

Krahn and Christopher drew their swords and attacked.  Dr. Thilner had no chance and was soon a bloody heap on the floor.

"Thank you," said a voice from the bed.  Krahn looked down at the bed and saw a Tiefling peering out.  "The man was pure evil. He deserved everything you did to him."

Milo and Leoros came to survey the scene. They had done what they set out to do and seemed to have gotten away with it.

Milo looked up and saw an imp peering in on them from the outside window. It let out a little cackle and then flew away...


Dark Backstory


The Adventure Begins