Dark Backstory


Baldur’s Gate is a dark place. Everybody has a secret.   

Every member of the party is entangled in a dark secret, regardless of how new they are to the city or how incorruptible their morals. Maybe they’re merely witnesses, maybe they’re covering for a friend’s crimes, or maybe they’re deep in denial. Regardless, in the eyes of the law, they’re guilty

Here are the options for your party’s dark secret.  Let me know which one appeals most.


Conspiracy in Baldur’s Gate

The characters are all that’s left of a group that strove to change Baldur’s Gate and failed. Now the city’s leaders or other powerful figures seek to stamp out the last motes of their movement. Perhaps they were rebels, or members of a union or some clandestine organization. Regardless, their rivals didn’t get where they are by being oblivious or merciful.

Opportunities to subvert minds and deeds exist throughout Baldur’s Gate. When an opportunity presented itself, the characters seized on one in particular.

Murder in Baldur’s Gate

There’s blood on the characters’ hands. They all had a part to play in a murder—justified or not. Shared guilt, coercion, and fear keep the secret between them.

Did they kill for justice or just for the thrill?

Theft in Baldur’s Gate

The characters broke the law by stealing something valuable. The question is, did the characters perpetrate the theft because they needed or wanted something, or because they didn’t want someone else to have it?

Failed Coup in Baldur’s Gate

The characters schemed with others to seize power and failed, revealing their ambition and treachery. The dark deed can be something as small as attempting to gain control of a patriar house, to something on a much grander scale, such as trying to unseat a duke, seize control of the Guild, or topple the Flaming Fist.


Baldur’s Gate Primer


Dark Backstory