Matilda Must Die

  • A fierce battle took place between Matilda and her monster ally versus the as-yet-unnamed-party

  • It went down to the wire with three characters being down at one point

  • Matilda was eventually defeated but not before she had taken down five members of her own family, Cassandra - the lady who originally past Mara the note - died.

  • The two children that she was holding hostage got away safely, though one almost fell from two feet up down into burning coals

  • The mood after the fight was both grave and relief. The wicked matriarch had been defeated but at terrible cost.

  • The dead were buried and a wake was held. Mara said some prayers for the dead

  • The village of WImborne had been liberated

  • The locals offered to lend the party two row boats to take them north to Syrinlya. Two local lads - Irwin and Russel - came along with them.

  • After some back breaking rowing over several days the eventually made it to Syrinlya.

  • The party secured passage to Palebank Village aboard The Catterick.

  • The Buyer had an offer the couldn’t refuse however and they cancelled their trip on The Catterick

  • The Buyer needed them to retrieve three items: A helm, a robe, and an Amulet. In return the Buyer would teleport them directly to Uthodurn.

  • The catch was the items were deep inside a cave and guarded by two trolls with strangely pale skin.

  • VV and Taq scouted out the cave

  • The discovered two half eaten adventures in a larder of sorts for the trolls. The adventures had a ring of them as well as a coin pouch.

  • Upon confirming that there were indeed two trolls, Taq and VV scurried on out to inform the rest of the party


Volo’s Guide to Waterdeep


Waterdeep Primer