Research a Plenty

What you learn

The deal you made with the Cobolt Soul

The library of the Cobolt Soul gave you access to their reserve under the condition that you accompany one of their curators (a female human called Turlu Covenrage) to the mountains just to the east of the Festerwill pool. It is rumoured that within the mountains is a strange collection of statues and the Cobolt Soul wants to know more.

Turlu wishes to leave in a couple of days. This will delay the potential destruction of the Nonohedron.

So you can honor the deal, but delay the destruction of the Nonahedron. Or go straight away, and get on the bad side of the Cobolt Soul.

To get to the mountains, Turlu wished to go to Pride’s Call first. Pride’s Call is a predominantly hill dwarf society that is famous for its silk.

(Map below)

Turlu is not fussed on how you get to Pride’s Call.

  • You could take your trusty cart with Mr. Ed and Captain Majestic.

  • You could accompany a merchant heading to Pride’s call.

  • Any other ideas you could care to think of.

Going over the mountains would save a lot of time, but is quite a lot more dangerous.

Going via the Tyodan River will take quite a bit longer, but would be less dangerous.

Festerwill Pool

Festerwill Pool's bubbling waters emit a powerful sulfurous smell that fills the valley, while the nearby rock is discolored by mineral buildup. The pool itself is a green lake choked by algae and weeds at the base of a ragged mountain valley, surrounded by moss-covered, leafless trees. This lake and the surrounding rocky cliffs are home to the grotesque and ravenous gorefeather harpies. Screeching through the air, the harpy troupes bring their prey here to devour, the bloody remnants falling into the brackish waters below. Under their matron, Uada, the gorefeathers claim this region as their territory, hiding baubles and trinkets among their filthy nests.

It is rumoured that any item dropped into the pool will be destroyed over the course of several days as the (magic?) waters eat away at even the most powerful objects. The harpies, however, are notorious for grabbing items from the water before they are fully dissolved and keeping the items for themselves.

The Island to the West of the Menagerie Coast

VV’s research led him to believe that this island may contain a portal to Stygia, the firth layer of hell. VV also learnt that Stygia contains a place called the Arid Fort, where he suspects his mother may be.

From your research at the Cobolt Soul, you learnt that the island itself is extremely cold which, at the very least, suggests a link to Stygia. The island has also been known to mysteriously vanish every few weeks, only to reappear after a couple of days.

Local sailors refuse to go anywhere near it.

From your research of various shipping logs, a vessel called The Savage Fortune was due in Port Damali, but never arrived. You suspect the log was a fake. (The ship you saw leaving Icehaven was called the Savage Fortune.) A trip from Icehaven to Port Damali would pass by the island.

The Chronos Guild

Attamack found a guild in Rexxentrum that can start to teach him he ways of Echo Knights. Now if only he could find a way to convince them to train him…

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Spells for Sale


Dungeon of the Mad Mage - Episode 6