Spells for Sale


This represents the cost for the wizard to grant you permission to copy from their spell book. The normal costs for ink and paper are on top of this.

Level One - 25gp

  • Comprehend languages

  • Detect magic,

  • Feather fall,

  • Find familiar

  • Mage armor

  • Magic missile

  • Shield

  • Unseen servant

Level Two - 75 gp

  • Arcane lock

  • Continual flame

  • Darkvision

  • Invisibility

  • Magic weapon

  • Misty step

  • Rope trick

  • Suggestion

Level Three - 150 gp

  • Clairvoyance

  • Counterspell

  • Dispel magic

  • Fireball

  • Fly

  • Nondetection

  • Water breathing

Level Four - 300 gp

  • Arcane eye,

  • Fabricate

  • Greater invisibility

  • Ice storm

  • Locate creature

  • Polymorph

Level Five - 750 gp

  • Bigby’s hand

  • Cone of cold

  • Modify memory


The Mighty MP6 - Episode 9 - Battle Royale


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